Thursday, June 29, 2006

That shits lame

Only if there's a cock in it

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Little Cat

Evil Humans

I went for a walk on my lunch break


Okay, you can't tell.. but it says I WALK VIT JESUS.

If you look really close, you can see my legs reflected in the van.


Filled with some kind of glop.


Children ride this chair down the alley, past the medical waste.

Friday, June 23, 2006


Ripple ripple ripple, said the river

Outside of where I work.
Can you spot the Sears Boner in the background?

It's always and never the same sky

Apparently, this is where they keep the witness

A door on a building near where I work.

Scared for real

I took this picture of myself while driving down 90/94 at about 80mph.

In case you can't tell...

This is a dead bird stuck beneath a calendar.
On the ground, in the alley behind my apartment.


Mark of the Beast

Etched in the sidewalk outside of a tattoo shop in my neighborhood.